Revathi Dance Academy, Established in 2016 by Founder and Director of the school, Brigitta Hegedues, Revathi Dance Academy has been initiated by the General Consul of India, Munich. Her guru is Shyamala Surendran, Dharani School of Performing Arts from Cochin, Kerala.
This academy offers South Indian classical dances Bharatanatyam (Kalakshetra style) and Mohiniyattam (Kalamandala style) as well as Yoga dance and Bollywood dance – semiclassical classes for all levels, children and adults.
Learning dance can be your passion or you may even take it up as a profession. You can be part of Revathi’s performing group for events or you may wish to take up Bharatanatyam Diploma program. Revathi Dance Academy conducts practical and theory exams twice a year.
All ages and nationalities are very welcome to join our “warm hearted school family”